Chair of the Department
Alessandra Grego
Associate Professor of English
Laurea, University of Rome "La Sapienza," 1999
Dottorato di Ricerca, University of Rome "La Sapienza," 2003
Email: [email protected]
Silvia Ammary
Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
Coordinator of ENLUS (English Language for University Studies)
B.A., University of Jordan, 1993
M.A., University of Jordan, 1996
Ph.D., University of Jordan, 2001
[email protected]
Christin Campbell
Lecturer in English
B.A., University of Missouri, Kansas City, 1999
M.A., University of Kansas, 2005
[email protected]
David Castronuovo
Lecturer in English
B.A., Yale University, 1973
M.S., Indiana University, 1980
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1996
[email protected]
Daniel Roy Connelly
Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Columbia University, 1999
MLitt, University of St Andrews, 2000
Ph.D., University of St Andrews, 2004
[email protected]
Carolina De Luca
Lecturer in English
B.A., Hunter College, City University of New York, 1995
M.A., The Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2000
M.Phil., The Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2004
[email protected]
Carlos Dews
Professor of English
B.A., University of Texas, 1987
M.A., University of Minnesota, 1992
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1994
M.F.A., The New School University, 2008
[email protected]
Moira Egan
Lecturer in Creative Writing
B.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1985
M.F.A., Columbia University, 1992
M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1994
[email protected]
Aidan Fadden
Lecturer in English
B.A., The University of Wales, Bangor, 1995
M.A., The Queen’s University of Belfast, 1998
[email protected]
Elizabeth Farren
Lecturer in Creative Writing
B.A., Columbia University, 2002
M.F.A., Bennington College, Vermont, 2007
[email protected]
Elizabeth Geoghegan
Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., The University of Colorado at Boulder, 1992
M.A., The University of Colorado at Boulder, 1996
M.F.A., The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, 1998
[email protected]
Richard Horan
Lecturer in English
B.A., Boston University, 1981
M.A.T. , University of Pittsburgh, 1988
TESOL, Columbia Teachers College, 2020
[email protected]
Cristina Iacobone
Lecturer in English
Laurea triennale, Roma Tre University, 2010
M.A. University of York, 2014
[email protected]
Jonathan Jones
Lecturer in English
B.A., Keele University, U.K., 1997
M.A., Bath Spa University College, U.K., 1998
M.Res., Keele University, 2004
Ph.D., University of Rome "La Sapienza," 2020
[email protected]
Tara Keenan-Thomson
Instructor of English Composition, Writing Center Coordinator
B.A., New York University, 1998
M.A., New York University, 2001
Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin, 2006
[email protected]
Lewis Klausner
Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Boston University, 1980
Ph.D., Yale University, 1988
[email protected]
Theresa Lindo
Lecturer in English
B.Sc., Boston University, 1998
M.B.A., The George Washington University, 2005
M.A., The George Washington University, 2005
[email protected]
Mattia Maglione
Lecturer in English
B.A. John Cabot University, 2017
M.Phil. Trinity College, Dublin, 2019
Ph.D. cand, Trinity College, Dublin, 2025
[email protected]
Nefeli Misuraca
Lecturer in English
Laurea, University of Rome "La Sapienza," 1996
Ph.D., Yale University, 2001
[email protected]
Christopher Neenan
Professor Emeritus of English
B.A., Cambridge University, 1967
M.A., Cambridge University, 1971
B.A., University of London, 1977
Laurea, University of Rome, 1978
[email protected]
Stephanie Richards
Lecturer in English
B.A., Hunter College, 2003
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016
[email protected]
Andrea Rossi
Lecturer in English
B.A., Sheffield Hallam University, U.K., 1998
[email protected]
Shannon Russell
Associate Professor of English
B.A., University of Western Ontario, Canada, 1985
M.A., Dalhousie University, 1988
D.Phil., Oxford University, 1997
Post-Doctorate Fellow, University of Oxford, 2000
[email protected]
Andrew Rutt
Lecturer in English
B.A., Goldsmith's College, University of London, 1999
M.A., Open University, 2016
[email protected]
Livia Sacchetti
Lecturer in English
Laurea, University of Rome "La Sapienza", 2000
Dottorato di Ricerca, University of Rome "La Sapienza", 2004
[email protected]
William Schutt
Lecturer in Creative Writing
B.A., Oberlin College, 2003
M.F.A, Hollins University, 2009
[email protected]
Rina Rachel Sondhi
Lecturer in English
B.Ed., University of Sheffield, 1991
M.A., University of Surrey, 1996
NPQH, National College of School Leadership, 2005
[email protected]
James Teasdale
Lecturer in English
B.A., University of Oxford, 2011
M.A., University of Rome "La Sapienza," 2016
Ph.D., University of Rome "La Sapienza," 2021
[email protected]
Alessandra Grego
Associate Professor of English
Laurea, University of Rome "La Sapienza," 1999
Dottorato di Ricerca, University of Rome "La Sapienza," 2003
[email protected]
Alessandra Grego was born in London and raised in Rome, where she studied Modern Languages at Sapienza University, earning a PhD in English Literature in 2004 with a thesis on the function of mythical narratives in the novels of the Victorian realist George Eliot. She has taught English language and literature for over 20 years, both in Italian universities and at John Cabot University.
Alongside a continuous interest in how and why stories are told and what effect they have on their readers, she cultivates a passion for design, illustration, and graphics, which she fostered quietly on the side until she found a way of combining her literary and visual interests in the pursuit of Digital Humanities. This relatively new approach to the study and pedagogy of literature through the use of digital tools provides, among other things, a way to visualize information about literature. She is a hand-drawn and CGI animation enthusiast, with a particular love for the movies of Miyazaki Hayao.
Research Interests
Grego’s early curiosity for mythical narratives and traditions has remained the focus of her research. In her research she investigates the way fiction reworks the traditional narratives shared by a historical community to challenge their original meaning and provide them with a new narrative function. She is currently preparing a book proposal on this topic.
Digital Humanities, a method of inquiry opening new fields of study in literature using digital tools, interest her both as a researcher and as a teacher. She is working on a project to classify and analyze intertextual references in fictional texts, a digital archive of nineteenth century writers visiting Rome, and on a digital exhibition of the family stories of Italian-American students at John Cabot University.
Pedagogy of Digital Humanities. Experimenting with the use of digital tools in English literature courses, Grego is investigating how digital humanities provide undergraduate students with a new approach the study of literature working with a broad historical and geographical perspective and a minute and data driven study of specific texts, while at the same time developing useful practical experience.
Courses Taught
The diverse, multicultural environment at John Cabot University is stimulating and poses an interesting challenge to the instructor. To address this challenge, Grego works with different methods, including digital resources and tools, which encourage the class to read, think, discuss, and write critically. By performing multiple small analytical or critical exercises, which lead up to larger assignments in which they rework the information they have accumulated, students gain confidence in their ability to study works of literature, literary genres, and theories of literature. Grego enjoys teaching classes on every aspect of literature, from the Literary Survey courses (EN232), to the courses dedicated to specific genres, such as the Short Story (EN210), or the Novel (EN205). For many years she has taught courses on the Theory of Literature (EN215) and Narrative Theory (EN370), introducing students to the technical aspects of literary studies. She is particularly interested in the comparative approach of the World Literature course (EN310) which is an exciting subject to teach students from varied linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
Useful Links
List of publications