Admissions at John Cabot University

Disability Accommodations Policy

John Cabot University strives to foster an inclusive academic environment that ensures equal access to the course of study for students with diverse abilities. To this end, we are committed to providing reasonable academic accommodations to students who demonstrate a need for them. These accommodations are designed to enable instructors to accurately assess students' work on the basis of their abilities, not their disabilities. Academic accommodations are not meant to provide an unfair advantage or alter the course requirements. Students who receive academic accommodations are expected to meet the same learning objectives and grading standards as their classmates.

Information for Students

  • JCU follows current Italian and U.S. disability laws*;
  • Information regarding students' disability status is handled confidentially;
  • John Cabot University does not discriminate on the basis of disability;
  • Students receive reasonable and appropriate accommodations.

*LEGGE 5 febbraio 1992, n. 104 (Legge-quadro per l'assistenza, l'integrazione sociale e i diritti delle persone handicappate); Legge 8 ottobre 2010, n. 170 (DSA); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.


Students requesting disability-related academic accommodations should identify themselves at the time they pay their tuition deposit or housing placement fee. To ensure adequate time for processing, requests for academic accommodations should be submitted no later than the dates reported below:

Fall July 1
Spring November 15
Summer I May 15
Summer II May 30

To initiate the process to apply for accommodations, students need to submit an online application and provide documentation to support their request by filling out this form

To determine appropriate accommodations, the University requires recent (no older than four years) and detailed medical or psychological documentation of the specific disability for which they are seeking accommodation.

Acceptable Documentation:

  • Must be provided by a qualified diagnosing professional
  • Must include the diagnosis, symptoms, limitations, and recommended accommodations (if applicable).

Please note: Documentation of accommodations granted from another institution is neither necessary nor sufficient.

Students needing assistance in submitting their online application can contact the Coordinator for Disability-related Academic Accommodations at [email protected], and submit their files directly to this email address.

Students who lack documentation, or whose documentation is older than the four-year limit established by the University, may want to reach out to the Office of Health and Wellbeing, where they will be assisted in connecting with local professionals able to assess their abilities.

After reviewing the provided documentation, the Coordinator for Disability-Related Academic Accommodations, Professor Carmen Franzese will contact students to schedule an appointment with the aim of discussing their situation in detail so as to identify appropriate accommodations for their studies at John Cabot.

After the evaluation, students will be directly informed by the Dean of Academics’ Office of any accommodations granted through an official JCU letter. Students are responsible for forwarding this letter to their instructors, signifying their acceptance of the accommodations.

In cases where reasonable accommodations cannot be made for a student with a learning or other disability, the University will refund the application fee, tuition deposit, and housing placement fee.

John Cabot University cannot provide academic or other disability accommodations to students who do not respect the above procedures.

Prospective students who haven't received their JCU credentials yet, but want information about services for students with disabilities, are also encouraged to contact the Coordinator for Disability-Related Academic Accommodations by writing to [email protected].

Please note that the process for applying for academic accommodations is separate from applying for admission to JCU. Once admitted and assigned a JCU ID number, students can then apply for academic accommodations.

For questions about admissions, please see the Undergraduate Admissions page

Student Responsibilities

  • Self-identify;
  • Follow policies and procedures for requesting and using accommodations;
  • Apply for accommodations;
  • Meet with the Coordinator for Disability-Related Academic Accommodations;
  • Forward their JCU accommodation letters to their instructors at the beginning of each semester.

Information for Faculty 

  • Information regarding students' disability status must be handled confidentially;
  • Faculty are required to honor accommodations granted by the Dean's Office;
  • If students disclose a disability or request accommodations from you directly, refer them to the Coordinator for Disability-Related Academic Accommodations, Professor Carmen Franzese;
  • For questions, challenges, or concerns regarding any student disability-related issue, please contact Professor Carmen Franzese;
  • Faculty are generally notified of student accommodations after the end of the drop/add period. As students may also be diagnosed after this deadline, student accommodations letters may occasionally trickle in after classes are well underway;
  • Students are expected to adhere to classroom etiquette standards regardless of their disability, unless a specific academic accommodation has been granted to mitigate a serious disability condition (e.g., flexibility with attendance policies, leaving class for essential needs, bringing food/water/medication to class);  
  • Students with academic accommodations are expected to meet the same learning objectives and grading standards as their classmates;
  • The University is required by both Italian and U.S. law to provide such accommodations:
    • LEGGE 5 febbraio 1992, n. 104 (Legge-quadro per l'assistenza, l'integrazione sociale e i diritti delle persone handicappate);
    • Legge 8 ottobre 2010, n. 170 (DSA);
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
    • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Failing to provide equitable learning constitutes discrimination.


Assistive Technology
The following are examples of tools included in our JCU computers that can aid our students with special learning needs:

  • Narrator: A screen reader that reads aloud text on the screen, which can assist students who have difficulty reading.
  • Magnifier: A tool that enlarges parts of the screen, making it easier for students with low vision to see content.
  • Speech recognition: This allows students to control their computer using voice commands, which can be beneficial for those with physical disabilities.
  • Read aloud in Microsoft Edge: This feature reads web pages aloud, supporting students who struggle with reading comprehension.
  • Text suggestions: This can help students with dyslexia by suggesting words as they type, reducing spelling errors and improving writing efficiency.

More details about these features can be found on the Microsoft Accessibility website.