Information for Professors
Schedule an appointment
Why not schedule a one-hour appointment for yourself to discuss how better to integrate writing into your class, how to expedite grading, or how to work more effectively with second-language writers?
Requiring Students to visit the Writing Center
We truly appreciate the thinking behind requiring students to attend the writing center but there are a few difficulties that may arise from this kind of arrangement. First, our approach is focused on working with students to become better writers. This means that we can't function as a hospital for papers, or remediation service, but rather as a consultation space for students who are invested in a process-oriented approach of working to improve their writing. We find that students who are required to come to the center tend to be more focused on proving they came, rather than improving their writing skills. Second, scheduling constraints due to space and budget concerns would make it likely that not all of your students would receive an appointment, further adding to student stress.
We understand and appreciate the challenges you and your students face regarding the writing process and it is our goal to be the kind of resource that enables students to reach their potential in your courses.
Group projects
We are happy to work with students involved in group projects. Keep in mind that for group projects we require all students to be at the session, each with a hard copy, and each ready to work to improve their own writing as well as the group project. This process-oriented approach helps eliminate the temptation that students may have to seek simple editing services rather than work on their own writing. Obviously, the more advance notice students have of their deadlines, the easier it will be for the center to schedule a group.
Useful Links
Ten Tips for Designing Writing Assignments
Designing Writing Assignments