John Cabot University: the Academic Experience

Learning Outcomes of the B.A. Degree in Economics and Finance


  • LOS 1:  Build a solid understanding of and knowledge base in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and finance.
  • LOS 2:  Develop critical-thinking skills and learn to apply economic analysis in order to understand economic events and everyday problems.
  • LOS 3:  Learn how to us empirical evidence to evaluate economic problems and theories, as well as strategic business and policy proposals.
  • LOS 4:  Master research methods in the field and develop the ability to gather research data, conduct basic statistical analysis and interpret results. 
  • LOS 5:  Receive adequate training in mathematical methods to develop problem-solving skills, perform proofs and prepare for further graduate studies in the areas of economics and finance.
  • LOS 6:  Master solid communication skills in order to formulate a well-organized argument and communicate effectively in written, spoken, and graphical form about specific economic and financial issues.
  • LOS 7:  Gain awareness of the CFA Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.