Italy Reads Program
There's more to JCU's Italy Reads Program than just one good book.
The history of Italy Reads
Italy Reads is a community-based English language reading and cultural exchange program that collaborates with 200 Italian high school teachers from over 60 high schools across Italy from Naples and Rome to Milan. Each year, one classic work of American literature is selected to read together.
Italy Reads began in 2009 as a National Endowment for the Arts "Big Read Rome" and the great success and demand for this program has now brought us to its 14th year as Italy Reads. The program benefits from the continued support from the United States Embassy to Italy, the English Theatre of Rome and John Cabot University.
Italy Reads 2024-2025: The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Gertrude Stein
Gertrude Stein (1874-1948) was an American novelist, poet, playwright, and art collector. Born in Pennsylvania, in 1903 she moved to Paris and made France her home for the rest of her life. Stein is most famous for her role as a pioneering modernist writer. She was a central figure in the Parisian avant-garde art and literary scene in the early 20th century. In her Paris salon she hosted leading figures of modernism in literature and art. The artists and writers who gathered at her salon were influenced by her and the vibrant exchange of ideas that took place there include Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Henri Matisse.
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933) is written in the voice of her life partner. It became a best-seller and paved the way for her life of impact on the cultural life of her time. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas is in the public domain and can be read online or downloaded free of charge. It is also available in audio version at Storytel.
The youngest of five children, Gertrude Stein benefitted from her parents' desire and ability to provide their children with the cultural foundation that would flourish her entire life. An orphan of both parents by the age of 18, Stein lived with her mother's family in Baltimore.
While a student at Radcliffe College (B.A. magna cum laude 1898), Stein studied psychology with William James. She spent the summer studying embryology at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Recognizing her brilliant mind, James encouraged Stein pursue a degree in medicine at Johns Hopkins University Medical School. After four years, Stein recognized her lack of interest in either the theory or practice of medicine and left without completing the degree.
[Participants in Italy Reads 2020 (Silent Spring by Rachel Carson) will remember that this author also conducted research at the MBL and studied at Johns Hopkins University.]
In 1903 Gertrude Stein and her brother moved to Paris. This was the start of the famous salon in 27 rue de Fleurus in the 6th arrondissement and the renowned art collection.
See also Italy Reads Resources for Teachers prepared by JCU's Frohring Library.
Join Italy Reads 2024-2025
We welcome Italian high school teachers, JCU student volunteer mentors, Italian high school students and English language book club leaders to join in our read of The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Gertrude Stein. This book is available in the public domain and can be downloaded free of charge. It is also available in audio format.
Teachers: Register here to receive details and include your students in this year's activities.
Professional Development
Teacher Training Workshops (online and in-person)
These workshops are aimed at providing the basis for teaching this book and an opportunity
for teachers to share ideas and network. Teachers (Italy Reads Scholars) who attended
the Professional Development Course develop and present Sample Lesson Plans prepared
in culmination of the Professional Development Course held each spring. Online workshops
are recorded and made available to teachers who register to participate in the program.
Teachers of all subjects are welcome!
Professional Development Course (online)
This course, an annual appointment with teachers, is offered free of charge each Spring
term in preparation for the subsequent academic year. Participants receive a Certificate
of Completion for 30 hours of Professional Development. Qualified applicants to attend
the course are teachers of English Language and Culture and their English-speaking
colleagues in a high school in Italy who plan to include their students in the Italy
Reads Program the following academic year. The outcome of this course is Sample Lessons
prepared by these teachers and material to support all teachers and will be posted
on Italy Reads Resources for Teachers.
Please note that participation in this course is not obligatory for participation in the Italy Reads program. All material is in English. Many teachers of English Language and Literature collaborate with their non English-speaking colleagues for greater interdisciplinary approaches to the study of American literature.
Italy Reads 2025-2026 Professional Development Course, January 28 - May 23, 2025, on teaching the work of American literature selected for Italy Reads 2025-2026, Raymond Carver's What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. A series of online weekly seminars, schedule to be announced, this course is in English, and free of charge. Teachers completing the course will receive a Certificate of Completion for 30 hours of Professional Development. High School Teachers in Italy of any subject are invited to join this course. Register to join the course here.
- I.O. Giulio Cesare, Sabaudia
- IIS Margherita Hack, Morlupo
- IIS Croce-Aleramo, Rome
- IIS Leopoldo Pirelli, Rome
- IIS Pacinotti-Archimede, Rome
- IIS Via Silvestri 301, (Liceo Malpighi)
- ISIS Enrico De Nicola, Naples
- IMS Vittorio Gassman, Rome
- ISS Giordano Bruno, Rome
- Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli, Rome
- Liceo Statale Vittoria Colonna, Rome
- Liceo Classico Bertrand Russell, Rome
- IIS Blaise Pascal, Pomezia
- Istituto Paritario Gabriele D'Annunzio, Rome
- IIS "Evangelista Torricelli", Rome
- Liceo Classico "E. Q. Visconti", Rome
- Liceo Ginnasio Statale Augusto, Rome
- Liceo Classico Aristofane, Rome
- Liceo Classico Giulio Cesare, Rome
- Lice Classico e Linguistico Kant, Rome
- Liceo Classico Kennedy, Rome
- Lice Classico Manara, Rome
- Liceo Ginnasio Dante Alighieri, Rome
- Liceo Galilei, Santa Marinella
- Liceo Scientifico Statale "Farnesina", Rome
- Liceo Ginnasio Statale "Virgilio"
- Liceo Scientifico "Ettore Majorana", Rome
- Liceo Scientifico "Giovanni Keplero", Rome
- Liceo Scientifico "Tullio Levi Civita", Rome
- Liceo Classico Montale, Rome
- Liceo Scientifico Statale I. Newton, Rome
- Liceo Scientifico Statale Peano, Rome
- Liceo Classico Virgilio, Rome
- Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico Majorana, Rome
- Liceo Foscari, Venice
- Liceo Scientifico Morgagni, Rome
- Liceo Scientifico Plinio Seniore, Rome
- Liceo Scientifico A. Volta, Foggia
- Liceo Scientifico e Classico F. Sbordone, Naples
- Liceo Scientifico Tulio Levi Civita
- Liceo Statale Maria Montessori
Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l'Orientamento (PCTO) for Italian high school students
Activities with Italy Reads can be certified in accordance with ASL/PCTO (Dlg.No.107,13.07.2015). For details, contact [email protected]
JCU student volunteers
It's easy to become a JCU student volunteer mentor. Italy Reads brings JCU students together with Italian high school students to discuss the book and work together on videos to submit to the Italy Reads Student Video Contest. High school students have the opportunity to practice their English and JCU students get to know Italy a bit better. All benefit from international teamwork!
See the Calendar of Events for dates and times of events this year. Events require registration to attend.To register as an official Italy Reads participant, or to receive more information about Italy Reads, please e-mail us at [email protected]
Keynote Address - An academic expert is invited to speak about the work of literature and the author at this public event.
Master Class for High School Teachers and Book Group Leaders - The Keynote Speaker provides this opportunity exclusively for participating teachers and book group leaders.
Play Performances - Participating teachers and their students receive discounted tickets to The English Theatre of Rome's production for Italy Reads Theatre.
Student Video Contest - Students currently enrolled at a high school participating in Italy Reads can enter a video contest to compete for significant cash prizes. See Student Video Contest for details.
Student Interviews of Guest Speakers - Students work in teams to research, prepare, and interview guest speakers. They learn to write about the interview and present it at a final meeting.
Student Exchanges - JCU students are available to visit schools to lead discussions of the author and the work in a student exchange program. These meetings are scheduled to be held in class, at JCU, or online.
Teacher Training - Participating teachers can take part in workshops about the author, the work and the use of the teaching materials gathered by Italy Reads and produced by Italy Reads Scholars. These workshops are an opportunity to share ideas on interdisciplinary approaches.
Teaching Materials - In collaboration with JCU Frohring Library, Italy Reads provides teachers and students with access to a wealth of supplemental digital materials related to the author and the work. See Resources for details.
Books for Libraries - Participating libraries can receive a free copy of the Italy Reads book. A limited number are available. Italy Reads 2024, the book is accessible in the public domain.