Master of Arts in International Affairs

Master of Arts in International Affairs

The Master of Arts (MA) degree in International Affairs at John Cabot University provides students with the training and skills to succeed in a professional career in global affairs. Taught by internationally renowned faculty and practitioners, the MA program draws on John Cabot’s strengths as a globally oriented American liberal arts university in the heart of Rome. Dynamic small-class-size seminars, mentorship by dedicated faculty, a vibrant multicultural student body, and a genuine English-speaking learning environment represent an ideal setting for graduate students to grapple with the big questions facing 21st century policy makers. 

JCU’s MA degree in International Affairs takes advantage of Rome’s unique location in Rome and its intellectually vibrant past and present. The program and its faculty reflect the political character of the city itself, which is the birthplace of the Roman Republic and the European Economic Community, the United Nations hub for food security and development, and the home to diplomatic missions to both Italy and the Holy See. All of this makes Rome one of the region’s major centers for policymaking, connecting Europe, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

Students in the MA program will directly engage with the city’s rich confluence of global policy networks, complete a professional internship with an international institution, and take courses that will provide a strong foundation for further academic study and professional policy work.

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The degree program can be completed in three semesters of full-time study (Fall-Spring-Fall). Students may accelerate their time in the program by taking additional courses during the Summer Term and Foundation Year. The program includes the following components: 

  • Structured Foundation Courses
  • Graduate Seminars
  • Internship and Professional Development Courses
  • MA thesis  

The curriculum of the MA is designed to provide students with the courses, training and skills necessary for either an academic, research-oriented career or a professional, policy-making one. In order to complete the degree, students must take a foundation course in International Relations and Comparative Politics, an International Political Economy course, a Political Science Research Methodology course and four graduate seminars of their choosing. Students must also take an International Affairs Research Practicum and Professional Development course, complete a professional internship or research assistantship and write a policy-oriented MA thesis. Finally, they must demonstrate proficiency in at least one foreign language relevant to their research area. 

Degree requirements for the Master of Arts in International Affairs


Seminars and courses are taught by professors of International Affairs from John Cabot University’s Department of Political Science and International Affairs. Faculty are committed to teaching and dedicated to a liberal arts model, which charges students to be entrepreneurs in their educational and career choices.

Faculty come from diverse national backgrounds, and hold PhDs and professional experience in international affairs, law, and political science from leading global institutions. They are widely recognized in their fields of study, frequently sought out for professional consultation and appear in international media outlets.  

Their research reflects a wide range of academic interests and policy experience. They have special expertise in the politics of Europe, the United States and the Mediterranean; human rights and international law; democracy and development; and diplomacy, international relations and security governance. They have helped shape policy at the United Nations World Food Program and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the European Union, the US State Department, the Holy See, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the foreign policy hubs rotating around Rome and the broader Euro-Mediterranean area.

Seminars, practicums, lectures and internships for the MA program are intended to connect students to these networks and worlds of experience and expertise.

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During the Foundation Year students complete twenty-four credit hours of coursework:

  • Two Foundation Courses (six credit hours total) in International Relations and Comparative Politics. Both courses are advanced survey courses taught by core faculty in the department. They are designed to serve as the academic foundation for the MA program

  • One Political Science Research Methodology course (three credit hours) and one International Political Economy course (three credit hours)

  • Four Graduate Seminars (twelve credit hours in total). Students choose from a range of dedicated, graduate-level electives

The Foundation Year also includes a public lecture attendance component: each student will attend at least three scholarly lectures, conferences, workshops or other approved events over the course of each academic semester. This can include participation in the MA program’s speaker series. Rome is especially rich in opportunities for intellectual expansion thanks to its unique wealth of embassies, international organizations and institutions, foreign scholarly academies, centers, universities and ministries, each with its own public programming. Students must also demonstrate proficiency (at the B2 level) in a second language other than English.

Students may take additional coursework during John Cabot University’s Summer Term. They may finish their Practicum and Professional Development courses, take additional Graduate Seminars, and complete their for-credit internship or research assistantship. Additionally, students may conduct thesis research and travel, take supplementary language training or engage in other professional or educational activities, including through one of John Cabot’s affiliated Summer Programs, some of which may fulfill the program’s practicum requirement. MA Students have access to JCU’s Frohring Library and other university facilities through the summer.

The degree culminates in the completion of a Master’s thesis (six credit hours). The thesis is typically based on a research project initiated during the Foundation Year in the context of a graduate research seminar or elective. Students may register for the Master’s thesis course upon fulfilling all requirements of the Foundation Year (24 credits of study). The thesis is expected to be policy-oriented, the result of scholarly research, and of a publishable length for an academic journal article. 

During this final semester MA candidates may also complete their International Affairs Practicum (two credit hours) and Professional Development Course (one credit hour); take additional Graduate Seminars; and complete their Research Assistantship or Professional Internship (three credit hours total). Students interested in pursuing an academic career are encouraged to pursue a research assistantship with one of JCU’s research active faculty. Students interested in pursuing a professional career in international affairs are encouraged to pursue a professional internship. 

The University currently has internship agreements with a range of international organizations and governmental entities in Rome.  John Cabot students in international affairs have previously held internships with the US Embassy to Italy, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the International Food and Development Bank (IFAD), the Italian Institute of International Affairs (IAI), the Italian Carabinieri’s Center of Excellence, as well as major Human Rights organizations and law firms, Vatican institutes and Italian state ministries. 

Learn more about John Cabot University’s Office of Career Services and the aid they provide students in internship placement and post-graduate professional planning.

  • Graduate Seminars are research-intensive colloquia focused on specialized themes devised to stimulate original student research. They begin with the reading of a discrete body of scholarly sources and the examination of source material and proceed to the development of a focused research project, presentation, and paper by each seminar participant. Weekly seminar meetings are devoted to analyzing readings and presenting and discussing the results of individual research. 
  • Political Science Research Methodology required of all MA students. This course provides a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of alternative approaches, methodologies and paradigms of political science research. Students will learn techniques to interpret and analyze data. The tool-driven training will enable students to think through how they can use their knowledge and skills of advanced qualitative and quantitative methods in different contexts and apply them to a variety of problems; and, progressively, to identify their own needs for research.
  • The Practicum in International Affairs provides a hands-on introduction to policy work in the field of global affairs. Practicums will feature participation by high-level practitioners from the field with experience in areas like the United Nations, Foreign and Defense Ministries and international advocacy organizations.  The course is designed to introduce students to the professional world of international affairs and engage with the networks of policymakers present in the city of Rome. 
  • Proficiency in a Foreign Language: Given the international nature of policy-making as well as John Cabot’s traditional identity as a hub for intercultural relations, MA students must demonstrate proficiency in a second language beyond English at the B2 (upper intermediate) level or higher in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This component can be satisfied by passing a language exam administered by the John Cabot University Foreign Language Resource Center or by presenting a B2-level certificate from an approved language school or testing service (CILS, DELF/DALF, etc.). John Cabot offers multiple language resources through its library and Foreign Language Resource Center to help students work towards this requirement. JCU also regularly offers language instruction in Italian, French and Spanish and MA students may audit JCU language courses as schedules permit. 

Students can complete the degree over the course of three semesters and turn in their thesis at the end of the third semester (in December).

An accelerated one-year intensive format is also possible if students finish their course work during the first two semesters and complete their thesis and internship over the summer. In this case, students have until September to complete their thesis. The intensive format is most advisable for those who enter the MA with a strong academic record and substantial background in international affairs. Students who have legal status to live in Italy may opt for part-time study. 

Full-time students choose which timetable to follow and commit to it at the beginning of the program.

Over the summer students may take additional coursework, internships, thesis research, supplementary language training, and other professional or educational activities, including the JCU-UNICRI Summer School on Migration and Human Rights, the Rome Summer Seminars on Religion and Global Politics, and the TOChina Summer School. 

Sample Curriculum I: 3 Semesters (Fall-Spring-Fall)

Fall semester I Spring semester I Fall semester II
Foundation I: International Relations (3 credits) Foundation II: Comparative Politics (3 credits) Research Assistantship or Professional Internship (3 credits)
Political Science Research Methodology (3 credits) International Political Economy (3 credits) Professional Development Course (1 credit)
Graduate Seminar I (3 credits) Graduate Seminar III (3 credits) International Affairs Practicum (2 credits)
Graduate Seminar II (3 credits) Graduate Seminar IV (3 credits) MA Thesis (6 credits) due in December

Sample Curriculum II: Intensive one-year format (2 Semesters + Summer and Thesis writing) 

Fall Semester Spring semester Summer
Foundation I: International Relations (3 credits) Foundation II: Comparative Politics (3 credits) Research Assistantship or Professional Internship (3 credits)
Political Science Research Methodology (3 credits) International Political Economy (3 credits) Graduate Seminar IV (3 credits)
Graduate Seminar I (3 credits) Graduate Seminar III (3 credits) MA Thesis (6 credits) due in September
Graduate Seminar II (3 credits) Professional Development Course (1 credit)  
  International Affairs Practicum (2 credits)  

 Please consult the Academic Calendar for Thesis deadlines.

Applicants who are EU citizens or who have an Italian permit of stay (permesso di soggiorno) are eligible for admission as part-time students. Part-time students take between three and nine credit hours per term and are allowed four years to complete all degree requirements. 

The MA in International Affairs degree is designed to serve as a foundation for pursuing careers in international affairs. Students will graduate equipped to begin work in international governmental organizations; International non-governmental organizations; Governmental Foreign and Defense Ministries; international consulting, finance and legal firms; as well as public service and civil society organizations. Students will also be prepared for further graduate and post-graduate scholarly work.  


John Cabot University's MA program in International Affairs was created thanks to a generous donation by the Hon. Frank J. Guarini, Chairman Emeritus of the JCU Board of Trustees. After a distinguished career as an attorney, Mr. Guarini served in the New Jersey State Senate for two terms and in the U.S. House of Representatives for seven terms. Throughout his career in public and private life, he has always maintained a strong interest in education and international affairs. He founded centers and institutes at Dartmouth College, New York University School of Law, St. Peter’s University, New Jersey City University, and John Cabot University. Since joining the JCU Board of Trustees in 1995, Mr. Guarini has shown unwavering support of the University.  


For further inquiries about the MA program and how to apply, please contact: [email protected].