Institute for Entrepreneurship

Certificate in Sustainability

Sustainability leadership has become a social, moral, and economic imperative transcending the boundaries of individual disciplines.  John Cabot University aims to engage all its stakeholders – students, alumni, faculty, staff, and partners – to create a community that is knowledgeable, informed, and committed to sustainable development. 

To this purpose, we have created the Certificate in Sustainability, which provides students with multiple opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of the issue and to apply their knowledge and creativity to practical, impact-driven projects. The Certificate is open to all students, from any major. 


To earn the Certificate students will have to satisfactorily complete the following: 

Complete a 3-credit course to be chosen from: 

  • BUS 220 Business Communications
  • BUS 320 Public Relations
  • CMS 323 Media and the Environment
  • CMS 345 Ecocinema: Environmentalism and Film
  • DJRN 380 Writing for Advocacy: Climate Crisis
  • NS 202 Global Warming
  • NS 220 Food and Agriculture 
  • NS 230 Energy and Environment
  • NS 290 Science and Urban Ecology 

Exposure to Current Issues in Sustainability
Attend 3 sustainability events, workshops or visits organized or sponsored by the JCU Alumni Sustainability Hub or by IFE (all events marked as counting towards the Certificate in Sustainability, the complete list to be found on the IFE Facebook page). In order to record participation, a 1500-character report will be required to be submitted for each event when completing the Online Application Form below.

Experiential Learning 
Participation in the Triggering Change competition and ONE other activity to be chosen from: 

  • Participation in JCU Enactus 
  • Active membership of the Grassroots club
  • A special project or research paper in collaboration with the JCU Alumni Sustainability Hub
  • Participation in the UN Climate Change Conference
  • Acting as liaison officer with the JCU Alumni Sustainability Hub for one semester 


Students that successfully complete the program will:

  • Acquire a deeper understanding of the current issues in sustainability
  • Meet practitioners and scholars in the field
  • Apply their new knowledge and skills to a real project or situation
  • Gain a tangible way to signal their interest and skills in sustainability in their resume


Once all three requirements have been satisfied, students should request the certificate by completing the online application form. Students are expected to fulfill all the requirements within one semester. The deadline to apply is TWO WEEKS prior to the end of the Fall or Spring semester.

Please send any questions to [email protected]