Alumni and Courtesy Borrowers
Access and ID
Alumni can access the Frohring Library by showing their Alumni ID card at the Guarini Front Office. The ID card will guarantee on campus access to all Library
facilities and resources. The remote (off-campus) use of all the electronic resources
is not available.
Borrowing and Renewing
Alumni can get access to the print collection of books and borrow up to 2 books at
a time.
Items can be borrowed and renewed as follows:
Collections | Loan Period | Renewal Period |
Books in the Main Collection and the Loeb Collection | 14 days | 14 days |
Reserve Books | 3 hours in the library only | 3 hours in the library only |
Videos and DVDs | 3 hours in the library only | 3 hours in the library only |
Requests and Holds
If a book from the Main Collection is already checked out to another patron, Alumni
can place a request for it through JCU Discovery, using their online account. If more than two borrowers request the same book the library system will automatically
shorten the loan period, which will never be less than 7 days anyway. All library
users will receive an e-mail notification with the new date.
As soon as the book is returned it is be placed on hold for 5 days for the person that requested it, who will be notified via e-mail. Pick-up is at the Welcome Desk.
Books on hold that remain unclaimed for more than 5 days will be reshelved, and the hold will be cancelled.
Reference Help
Reference help is available for Alumni both on campus and online. You can schedule a face-to-face
appointment with one of the Reference Librarians, send an e-mail, or use the online
Interlibrary Loans
Alumni can request books that are not owned by the Frohring Library by using the Interlibrary
Loan Service and contacting Enrico Amarante ([email protected]).
More information about the service is available on the Interlibrary Loan page.
Courtesy Borrowers
Access, ID, and Services
Courtesy Borrowers include members of the wider JCU community, as well as students
who are part of the ENLUS program, of other university agreements and faculty-led
By showing the ID card at the Guarini Front Office, courtesy borrowers can access the library facilities, services, and collections.
Borrowing is limited to 2 books from the Main Collection at a time for 14 days. Other collections may have different borrowing policies. For more information, see the Circulation page.
Reference help is available during the operating hours of the service.
Courtesy borrowers can also request books that are not owned by the Frohring Library by using the Interlibrary Loan Service and contacting Enrico Amarante ([email protected]).