Department of Art History
Welcome to JCU's Department of Art History.
We would like to invite you to join our community of students and faculty on a life-changing journey through the arts—where else can you take an art history course on Michelangelo, a studio art course on fresco painting and then walk down the block to view the Sistine Chapel?
Our Department consists of outstanding, internationally-known scholars and artists whose interests range from the archaeology of the Roman Empire to Renaissance art and culture as well as the creation and study of more contemporary art. Our professors are not only dedicated teachers, we also actively engage in research that takes us throughout Europe, the Mediterranean and North America.
Even more, we do what we can to bring that experience into our students' education by encouraging them to work with us on archaeological digs, in the archives, and in art galleries, all of which set our students apart when they apply for internships, graduate programs, and employment.
We invite you to consider studying with us for a semester, or even better, the entirety of your undergraduate career, to broaden your education and experience in the fine arts.
Prof. Inge Lyse Hansen
[email protected]
Chair, Department of Art History