John Cabot University: the Academic Experience

Minor in Legal Studies


The study of law investigates the descriptive rules governing different substantive areas. But, more profoundly, it is also a critical inquiry into the normative values and power relations that animate these rules and their interpretations. Legal Studies pursues an understanding of both the technical tools of legal reasoning, as well as the different values – such as social justice, public order, property, individual freedom, equality, human dignity – that they further. Beyond its potential vocational value, legal studies engages critical issues in both the humanities and social sciences, and is thus a fundamental area of liberal arts inquiry. Moreover, an awareness of how law works, and how it doesn’t, is of course valuable for any citizen, in any walk of life.  

The Minor in Legal Studies would provide students with a broad overview of the vast field of law, while encouraging deep and specialized investigation of selected areas within it. It encourages cross-disciplinary investigation into the legal dimensions of such topics as business, politics, economics, psychology, communications, art, literature, philosophy, history (and, conversely, into the commercial, economic, psychological, rhetorical, artistic, narrative, philosophical, historical dimensions of the law).  Legal Studies also develops the specific and highly transferable skills of legal research, reasoning, argumentation and written and oral advocacy. 

  • An ability to critically analyze relevant legal standards, by interpreting legislative norms, administrative regulations and judicial case law
  • An ability to use legal reasoning to apply norms to particular cases, and to advocate for specific resolutions to legal disputes
  • A general awareness of the specificity of legal procedures
  • An understanding of the interconnectedness of law with other disciplines
  • A critical appreciation of law as a language of power, and a tool for empowerment and oppression, with the potential to both contribute to and impede human flourishing and social justice
  • An ability to carry out legal research, write legal memos, and engage in written and oral advocacy

Requirements for the Minor

  • Six courses with a LAW prefix


  • No more than one grade of lower than a C- will be accepted in courses applying to the minor.
  • In the case of multiple minors, no course may apply to more than one minor.
  • No more than three courses may apply to both the major and the minor.
  • At least four courses must be taken in residence at John Cabot.
  • Requirements for the minor must be completed by the time of graduation.