John Cabot University: the Academic Experience

Learning Outcomes of the B.A. Degree in Humanistic Studies

  • LOS 1:  Demonstrate knowledge of different cultures - that is, human beings' ways of living and thinking about their lives - as these are expressed in ancient, modern, and contemporary literature, art, history, philosophy, and religion.
  • LOS 2:  Demonstrate ability to analyze cultural products, drawing connections and comparisons across fields and undertaking scholarly research into them.
  • LOS 3:  Demonstrate ability to apply and evaluate theoretical approaches from relevant disciplines across a range of cultural products and issues.
  • LOS 4:  Demonstrate ability to defend analytical positions through well-researched, supported, and organized reasoning.
  • LOS 5:  Develop an awareness of the importance of finding, using and producing reliable information so as to respect (and know how to respect) academic integrity and ethical standards in their academic work.
  • LOS 6: Effectively and critically communicate ideas and information orally and in writing.